Highlights The Redmi 9 succeeds Redmi 8 that currently retails at 9,499 in India The phone will also debut for the Indian masses in the coming days. After launchinge the next-generation Note 9 series, Xiaomi has announced the first smartphone in its regular 9 series. Called the Redmi 9, the phone brings four rear cameras, 5020mAh battery, up to 64GB of storage and 6.53-inch full HD+ display. It is the successor to the company's popular Redmi 8 which was launched last year and currently costs Rs 9,499 in India. Redmi 9 price The handset is priced aggressively at Rs 12,800 in Indian currency for the entry-level 3GB+32GB storage version and(roughly Rs 15,400) for the top-end 4GB+64GB variant. It arrives in three colour options namely Carbon Gray, Sunset Purple, and Ocean Green. Xiaomi is yet to announce its availability in the Indian market. Redmi 9 specifications The phone features a 6.53-inch full HD+ display with a resolution of 1,080x2,340 pi...